How to have daily perfect poops for those who have tried everything!
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Are you sick of constipation ruling your life?!

Buy the self study course now👇


Maybe you:

• Constantly eliminate foods to feel less bloated

• Purposely eat less because you know you'll feel better in the short term

• Feel reliant on coffee or supplements to go poo

• Base your travel plans around your pooping probs

• Feel like nobody understands how sh**ty it feels not to poop!

• Are sick of your doctors telling you 'you're fine' even though you feel like crap

But what if I told you that:

• You can have the confidence in exactly what foods to eat to feel less bloated and poop daily

• You can travel and not worry about being constipated

• You can leave the house in the AM without the stress of worrying about your IBS

• You can still eat everything you love and poop regularly 

Without having to:

• Eliminate more foods

• Eat less

• Take miralax forever

• Spend more time and $$ seeing GI docs just to find out 'you're normal'

• Live by the story that you'll 'just be constipated forever'


A holistic guide to pooping daily for those who have tried everything

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I was constipated for 20 years of my life.

I frequently told myself "I'll be constipated forever". It wasn't until after I realized that it wasn't just about eliminating a bunch of foods, eating less or taking miralax for the rest of my life that I came out on the other side.

I now poop daily with ease and you can too!

The Constipation Fix is a self study course compiling my 10+ years of functional medicine nutrition expertise, my personal lived experience along with the deeper work that we all know we need but we may not know how to do - supporting your nervous system practically in a way that supports true and lasting healing.  My course is here to offer you the most holistic and effective approach to constipation possible. 

Join The Constipation Fix


The Constipation Fix Includes: 

  • My top foods & drinks for constipation 
  • Gentle culinary herbs & supplemental support for constipation
  • Guided nervous system strategies like breath work, mindful eating tips & journaling prompts
  • The science of the stress-digestion connection & how to support it
  • HOW to eat to support healthy daily BMs
  • Minerals for constipation - which ones you need and what foods to choose
  • Working with your circadian rhythm to support daily poops - BONUS module!
  • A travel toolkit - what to bring to avoid constipation
  • Fiber - what form is best and why
  • Pro tips for making your food easier to digest
  • Magnesium - do I need it and what forms to choose
  • Digging deeper - when you need more support and who to call (my inside scoop on my go-to referrals)
  • Clear and concise action steps for you following each module

I'm Meg Gerber RD, LD, IFNCP, CGN

Just call me the constipation whisperer😉

I’ve been in your shoes - I was struggling with constipation and all the frustration that goes along with it for roughly 20 years of my life. Even after gaining some nutrition expertise, I found myself feeling like a failure and thinking: “I’m my hardest client”.

Now coming out the other side, my struggle has also been my greatest gift because now I get to teach you all the exact food, supplements, and nervous system tools to help you poop perfectly daily. 

I’m a functional medicine gut health dietitian with 10 years in the game and a breath work and meditation teacher with over 400 hours of training in mind-body approaches to health. I’ve shared my holistic approach to gut health in publications such as Well+Good, Mindbodygreen, & Parade.

More about me here.

"All my life I have dealt with IBS, bloating, abdomen pain and discomfort.  The combination of working on my physical body, mindfulness, breath work and journaling has brought me to a place of optimal health..I’m not bloated anymore, and haven’t had any stomach issues for months"

- EB

"I'm more than 50% less bloated and gassy just 1 week after working with you "


"I started working with Meg when I realized the extreme GI distress & abdominal bloating I was experiencing were not something I had to continue enduring. Meg's approach to helping me was refreshingly individualized and extremely practical. Meg is not in the business of changing people, but in helping people improve their own quality of life by building sustainable habits — it is clear that this is her passion! "

- KC

The Constipation Fix is a self paced 100% online program with a comprehensive, holistic toolkit to take you from bound up and frustrated to...

💩Easeful poops daily

💩Educated on what you need when constipation strikes

💩Confident and in tune with your body

💩Living the life you love without poo struggles getting in the way

💩Knowing exactly what foods you need 

💩Empowered to use nervous system tools to suport you on the reg

💩A go-to list of constipation remedies when you need it

I'm Ready To Poop Daily

What's Included In Your Purchase...


Getting Started: Intention Setting For the Mind-Gut Connection

Intention is everything - we start our work together with a mindset check in. 

  • Quick info about me!
  • Check in with current state/symptoms
  • Identify your WHY and where you're going in a grounding breath work meditative practice (guided).

Leave with an expanded perspective and greater sense of hope of what's possible for you.


Nervous System Strategies For Constipation 

I'm a big believer in the concept that we are HUMANS not textbooks - therefore we can't simply just 'eat the right foods, take the supplements' without doing some of the work of supporting our body holistically.

  • How stress impacts your poops & why you can't ignore this
  • Rest & Digest & why it matters 
  • How to eat mindfully and why I'm a fan vs. intuitive eating
  • Gut rest and why this is different than intermittent fasting
  • Vagus nerve activation - why and how to do it
  • Diving deeper - how certain emotional/mental/energetic patterns could be keeping you "stuck" with stool - a guided journaling practice

Leave with practical, everyday tools on how to hack your nervous system for better poops. Feel in partnership with your body more than ever before.


Foods For Constipation

The list of foods & drinks to help you poop daily you've been waiting for + some of my go-to pro tips or 'hacking' your food to make it more digestible.

  • Going beyond the 'eat more fiber, drink more fluids' rule your GI doc taught you - the RIGHT kind of fiber + brands I like
  • Minerals - which ones you need for pooping & my go-to mineral mocktail for constipatoin 
  • The food group you're probably under-consuming that can change the game for pooping
  • My go-to foods for movin' things along
  • The constipation trifecta - the 3 foods to eat every single day for guaranteed poops
  • Pro tips for making food less bloat-y

You'll finish this lesson with my expert constipation lists of foods and drinks that will help you see a difference in a matter of hours or days.


Remedies & Culinary Herbs For Constipation

Make sure to go through all other modules & check in with your doctor/provider before this module, consider this your back pocket list for prevention or damage control when you need constipation help ASAP

  • My food-based prokinetic that supports your gut cleansing wave
  • Go-to herbal infusion for soothing and supporting a bound up gut
  • Magnesium - the who/what/why and what forms are best
  • Antioxidants for constipation
  • Topical remedies for supporting daily BMs

Feel more confident and supported than ever before with a back pocket list of expert supplemental constipation support tools.


Pro Tips For When You Need More Support

When to seek more support beyond nutrition and lifestyle - this was a biggie in my personal journey healing constipation

  • What to consider if symptoms are lingering
  • Things to ask before you seek more support - my checklist
  • A brief discussion on trauma, deeper root causes, toxins and how it affects chronic gut issues
  • My go-to expert referrals list for those who need more help

Feel clear on where to go next if your root cause to constipation may be more complex without spending more time and money seeking what 'could' be the next step.


Travel Toolkit For Constipation

My exclusive list of foods, drinks, lifestyle hacks for making sure you can poop on every upcoming trip


Circadian Rhythm Support For Constipation

What makes my course unique and extra supportive! Taking a primal approach to working with light, sleep, fueling & mitochondrial health to support a daily, healthy poo


3 Breath Work Practices For Constipation

My 3 favorite styles of do-it-anywhere breath work for supporting daily BMs - you'll be reminded of the powerful tools you have (for free!) in your body at any hour of the day. Includes links to on demand guided practices lead by yours truly!

Buy It Now!

Course Price -


I’m so sure you’ll love this course! 

REFUND POLICY: We do not offer any refunds at this time. Given that you receive full access to the course immediately upon purchase, we cannot offer any refunds at this time. 

By the end of this self paced course you will have:

  • A clear list of foods, supplemental remedies & lifestyle shifts that support happy, daily BMs
  • The ability to travel with ease!
  • A game plan that you won't get from a conventional doc on how to support healthy BMs
  • An understanding of how to connect with your body ona deeper level
  • A feeling of peace and calm - you know what to do to poop daily 
  • FREEDOM - your poop problems no longer rule your life
Buy TCF Course Now!

Who Is This Course For?

hint hint: It's not just for constipated folks
  • Bound Up Peeps - you poop less than once a day
  • The Travel Constrained - you ALWAYS get travel constipation
  • Loose Goosie Ladies - you have looser poops but...they are difficult to pass or sometimes inconsistent
  • Strainers - you might poop daily most of the time but its a struggle to pass (?do you have hemorrhoids, see you in my course!)
  • Stressed Out Sallies - you are stressed and sometimes your poop is affected!
  • Restricters - you assume that the answer to your gut issues = eliminating more foods/eating less
  • IBS Inconvenienced - you've been given an IBS diagnosis but no real tools on what to do about it
  • Nerds (like me) who love a holistic approach to gut health

Who Is This Course NOT for?

• If you think you only need supplements or medications alone

• Someone looking for a quick fix approach

• Someone who loves restricting foods

• Those who want to keep speaking unkindly to their body

I'm ready to poop daily✋

Enroll In The Constipation Fix Now!

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